Sketch bedrooms

Updated by Jennifer B.

  1. Click Sketch.
  2. If you can’t see the North arrow in the Sketch workspace, click Show. Then select Legend.
  3. In the Sketch toolbar, click Room. A 12” × 12” room will appear in your Sketch workspace.
  4. Click and drag your cursor in the southeast part of the workspace until the room reaches the interior dimensions of 16’3” by 15’5”.
  5. If you are having difficulty achieving the exact dimensions, proceed as follows:
    1. Click and drag the East wall until the dimensions of the North wall appear.
    2. Click the interior dimension of the North wall.
    3. Type 16,3 in the box and press Enter. The comma separates feet from inches, making it simpler to enter measurements manually.
    4. Click and drag the South wall until the dimensions of the West wall appear.
    5. Click the interior dimension of the West wall. Type 15,5 in the box and press Enter.
  6. Click the room to select it. Then click the room label.
  7. Name the room Bedroom and press Enter.
Zooming in can help you set dimensions accurately. You can learn more about the Zoom tool in Sketch.


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