Underwriting Checklist

Updated by Jill Bowers

This feature makes the underwriting checklist available in your profile. 

To access the underwriting checklist, open a project and navigate to Tools > Underwriting Checklist. 

The checklist includes the following questions as well as a comments field: 

Exterior Questions 

  1. Are all walkways, patios, porches, and drives free of large cracks, rot. and deterioration? 
  2. Is the insured location free of trampolines and swimming pools? 
  3. If the insured location has trampolines and swimming pools, are they adequately fenced in with self­locking gates? 
  4. Is the foundation free of excessive or large cracks, bending, or bowing? 
  5. Is the siding on the insured location in good repair and free of excessive rot. cracking, or missing material? 
  6. Is the roofing material free from deterioration, wind damage (unrelated to the claim), material or workmanship defects, and improper repairs? 
  7. Does the roof have a pitch equal to or greater than 3/12? 
  8. Are the roofing materials of acceptable quality (not tar and paper or tarpaper)? 
  9. Are all trees on the property well maintained and appear to be in good health? 
  10. Is the exterior of the home free of excessive debris and attractive nuisances (including excessive brush in areas prone to wildfires)? 

Interior Questions 

  1. Are the interior surfaces free of cracks, visible water damage, and visible molds which are not related to the current claim? 
  2. Is the insured location free of excessive combustible material within three feet of furnaces, gas water heaters, fireplaces, or supplemental heating devices? 
  3. Is the insured location free of frayed or exposed electrical wires, DIY wiring, or overloaded electrical outlets? 
  4. If the insured location is in an earthquake prone area, is the insured location equipped with earthquake preventative devices such as water heater strapping? 


  1. Is the insured location free of vicious dogs (per underwriting guidelines) or dangerous exotic pets? 
  2. If the   policy is a homeowners policy, is the home free of a home based business which has customer traffic (such as daycare)? 
  3. If the   policy is a homeowners policy, is the home occupied by the Named insured? 
  4. If the claim is a large loss, do the structure and/or APS limits appear to be in line with the replacement cost valuation of the insured location? 
  5. Is the insured location free of other miscellaneous hazards (please expound)? 

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