Project ownership questions for mobile

Updated by Heather Jones

Q: Why is there a check-out/locking system for projects?

A: The system allows you to disconnect from the internet and work on your project without other users overwriting your changes.

Q: What happens if I break a project lock?

A: You take ownership of the last saved project from the cloud. The previous owner of the project is given the option to create a copy of their project or delete their copy.

Q: How do I assume ownership over a locked project?

A: In the Cloud projects list, select the lock icon (), then select Take Ownership.

Q: Can a project be edited on more than one device?

A: Only one device can edit a project at a time. However, the project can be edited from multiple devices by uploading the project to the cloud, and then downloading it to the new device.

Q: How do I return a project to the cloud?

A: Once you finish working on the project, return the project to the cloud by tapping the upload icon (). Another user can then check out the latest project and continue editing.

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