Adding a bay window

Updated by Jennifer B.

  1. From the Sketch toolbar, click the arrow in the Windows list. Select Bay.
  2. Place the window so it is roughly centered on the East wall of the Kitchen.
  3. Click to place the window.
  4. Drag the North wall of the bay window until the broad side of the window reaches 9’ and the narrow side reaches 6’8”.
  5. If extending the bay window removes the North window of the bay window, proceed as follows:
    1. Click the South window of the bay window and press Ctrl-C.
    2. Press Ctrl-V and click the North wall of the bay window.
  6. Highlight the East window of the bay window and press Ctrl + Down Arrow until the window is centered.

There are several places where you can add items.

  • In Sketch, you can place items directly on the floor plan.
  • In Estimate Items, you can locate items, add them to lists, and organize them by room.

The item input method you choose will depend on your preferences and the size and type of your estimate. In this scenario, we’ll be using the Sketch and Estimate Items methods.

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