Create sublimits in Xactimate online

Updated by Jill Bowers

  1. In an open estimate, navigate to Claim Info > Coverages & Loss > Coverages. 
  2. Select Add Options in the Coverages table. This opens the Coverage Options dialog. 
  1. Select the Sublimit dropdown menu. 
  2. Select the desired sublimit from the list or create a new sublimit by selecting SmartList
  1. In the window that opens, select Add. This opens another window.
  1. In the new window, enter the sublimit name.  
  1. Select the Shared checkbox to make this sublimit available in other projects (optional). 
  1. Select OK to close the Add Sublimit Name window and return to the Sublimits dialog. 
  1. Select the new sublimit from the list. 
  1. Select OK to close the Sublimits window and return to the Coverage Options dialog.
  1. Your new sublimit automatically populates in the Sublimit list.  
Note: You may have to select the dropdown menu to see the new sublimit. 
  1. Add single or aggregate limits.
  1. Select OK.

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