Create sublimits in Xactimate online
- In an open estimate, navigate to Claim Info > Coverages & Loss > Coverages.
- Select Add Options in the Coverages table. This opens the Coverage Options dialog.
- Select the Sublimit dropdown menu.
- Select the desired sublimit from the list or create a new sublimit by selecting SmartList.
- In the window that opens, select Add. This opens another window.
- In the new window, enter the sublimit name.
- Select the Shared checkbox to make this sublimit available in other projects (optional).
- Select OK to close the Add Sublimit Name window and return to the Sublimits dialog.
- Select the new sublimit from the list.
- Select OK to close the Sublimits window and return to the Coverage Options dialog.
- Your new sublimit automatically populates in the Sublimit list.
- Add single or aggregate limits.
- Select OK.