What do I do if I made a mistake in Payment Tracker?

Updated by Heather Jones

Once a payment has been made, it is difficult to fix a mistake. Make sure to double check your work before submitting any payments. However, if an error has occurred, you have two options from within Payment Tracker:

  • Go to the Payments tab, and right click on the payment. Select Void Payment. This will void out the most recent payment and may allow you to fix the error.
  • Go to the Payments tab, and right click on the payment. If the error occurred several payments before, you may need to select Reset Payments. Resetting payments will remove all supplement information, and will delete all ACV, Deferred, and Advance Payments.
  • To remove group payments, go to the bottom half of the screen and select Grouped (under Receipts). In the Group Receipt Management window that appears, select the appropriate receipt and then Delete.

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