Allow Modify Taxes

Updated by Jill Bowers

The Allow Modify Taxes profile feature gives users permission to modify tax rules that are associated with Xactware price lists. 

Create custom tax rules in your estimate  

  1. Navigate to Claim Info > Parameters.  
  2. Select Sales tax in the Add ons card. The Estimate sales tax window appears. 
  1. Select Add to add a new tax.  
  2. Enter the new tax name in the Type field. 
  3. Enter the tax rate in the Rate field. 

Set the base or category to be taxed 

  1. In the open Estimate sales tax window, select the calculator to the right of the Base field. 
  2. Select the Functions drop-down menu. 
  3. Select the category. 


Change how taxes are applied to Overhead and Profit (O&P) 

  1. In the open Estimate sales tax window, select the Tax type drop-down menu. 
  2. Choose the way taxes are applied to O&P. You can choose to apply taxes before or after O&P is calculated or to not have if affect O&P at all.  

Apply tax exceptions 

  1. In the open Estimate sales tax window, select Exceptions. An Exceptions window appears. 
  1. Select the box for the exception item to select the exception that applies. 
  2. Select the Category drop-down menu and choose a category. 
  1. Select the Selectors drop-down menu and choose whether the exception applies to all items in the list, items in a list, or items not contained in the list. 

If you choose In-list items or Not-in-list items, enter them in the Selector list field. 

  1. Select OK. Taxes only apply if the line item is larger than a set amount. 

Verify taxes were successfully applied 

  1. Select Estimate from the menu to your left. 
  2. Select Estimate items.
  1. Review the information in the Quick entry section. 

This profile feature is enabled by default. If you'd like to disable this feature, follow the instructions in this article.

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