Creating a regular or custom staircase
Regular stairs
Regular, standard stairs are placed on the sketch with the following settings:

Staircases are considered separate rooms and cannot be placed in existing rooms. Once placed, you can make any necessary adjustments.
- Select the arrow with the Staircase button to open the staircase options.
- Select Regular.

- Move the cursor (with the attached staircase preview) to the appropriate location on the sketch workspace and left-click the mouse to place the staircase.
- Modify the width and length of the staircase as you would any other room (click and drag or type the new dimensions on the appropriate walls).
- Open the stair properties to change the number of risers, tread depth, etc.

Custom stairs
Custom stairs are more versatile than regular stairs and often include a landing either at the top or at a bend in the staircase. Be aware that staircases are considered separate rooms and cannot be placed in existing rooms.
Once placed, you can make any necessary adjustments.
- Select the arrow with the Staircase button to open the staircase options.
- Select Custom.
- Move the cursor (with the attached single stair preview) to the appropriate location on the sketch workspace (the stair attached to the cursor is the bottom riser). Left-click the mouse to place the staircase.
- Move the cursor again in the direction in which the stairs ascend.
- Click to complete the risers.
- Move the cursor to adjust the landing and click again when it looks right.
- Repeat Steps 3–6 as needed to finalize the staircase.
- When the full staircase is on the sketch, select Esc to exit the tool.
- Modify the width and length of the staircase as you would any other room (click and drag or type the new dimensions on the appropriate walls).
- Open the stair properties for each section to change the number of risers, tread depth, etc. See Add an angled tread to a staircase in X1 for details on creating angled treads.