Compare or merge price lists in desktop

  1. On the Price list window, click Compare/Merge. The Price list compare/merge wizard dialog box appears.
  2. Read the instructions, and click Next.
  3. Select a source and target price list.
  4. Select a labor efficiency.
  5. If you want to create a new list from the merge, select New price list and type a price list name.  If you want to simply merge the source price list into the target price list, select Target price list.
    1. Selecting New price list will leave the original price lists in their original state. Selecting Target price list will modify the target price list.
  6. Click Next and select your merge preferences.
  7. Click Next to review price list differences.
    1. To merge whole categories click Automatic merge. Then click Next.
    2. To merge single items, select the item and click merge.
  8. Continue clicking Next to review each price list category.
  9. Click Finish to complete the merge.

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