Add or remove images for Xactimate mobile

Updated by Jill Bowers

Add images for iOS

  1. Open a project, and tap the menu in the upper-left corner. Select Photos.
  2. If you’re starting a new estimate, you’ll see a blank page with placeholders for photos, videos, and albums. If you’ve taken photos for this estimate before, you will find them here.
  3. To add new images, tap the camera icon at the bottom of the page. This will open two options for adding media: Camera and Photo Library.
  4. Select Photo Library to add images stored on your mobile device, or select Camera to take a new picture inside the app.
  5. If you select Camera and have not taken photos in the app before, a message will appear requesting permission to access your camera. Tap OK.
  6. If you select Photo Library, a prompt will open requesting access to your Photo Library. Click OK.
  7. Select the images you need to upload to the app and press the check mark icon in the bottom-right corner.
  8. After you’ve selected or taken your images, they will automatically appear in the All Photos album.

Remove images for iOS

  1. From the Photos page, tap the photo album that has the images you want to remove.
  2. Tap the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Tap Select All for access to every image, or tap Select to manually choose the photos you want to delete.
  3. After you tap the photo(s) you want to delete, the image(s) will turn white and display a blue check mark in the photo’s top-left corner.
  4. You’ll see four icons in a white bar at the bottom of the screen. Tap the trash icon, which is on the far right.
  5. A message will pop up asking you to confirm the deletion of the photo. Click Yes.
  6. The selected photo(s) will be deleted.

Add images Android

  1. Open a project, and tap the menu in the upper-left corner. Select Photos from the drop-down menu.
  2. If you’re starting a new estimate, you’ll see a blank page with placeholders for photos, videos, and albums. If you’ve taken photos for this estimate before, you will find them here.
  3. To add new images, tap the + icon at the bottom of the page. This will open two options for adding media: Camera and Photo Library.
  4. Select Photo Library to add images stored on your mobile device, or select Camera to take a new picture inside the app.
  5. If you select Camera and have not taken photos in the app before, a message will appear requesting permission to access your camera. Tap OK.
  6. If you select Photo Library, a prompt will open requesting access to your Photo Library. Click OK.
  7. Select the images you need to upload to the app and press the back button icon in the top-left corner.
  8. After you’ve selected or taken your images, they will automatically appear in the All Photos album.

Remove images for Android

  1. From the Photos page, tap the photo album that has the images you want to remove.
  2. Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner of the page. Tap Select All for access to every image, or tap Select to manually choose the photos you want to delete.
  3. After you tap the photo(s) you want to delete, the image(s) will turn white and a blue check mark will appear in the photo's top-left corner.
  4. You’ll see four icons in a white bar at the bottom of the screen. Tap the trash icon, which is on the far right.
  5. A message will pop up asking you to confirm the deletion of the photo. Tap Yes.
  6. The selected photo(s) will be deleted.

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