Scoring and weighing rules

Updated by Jill Bowers

You can set custom weights for estimate, group, and process rules in the Rules tab. Setting custom weights makes configuring your inspection score easy, and the score you set in Xactimate Admin easily and seamlessly applies to the specified rules in Xactimate. This can be done in both instances and profiles. 

  1. Select Instance or Profile
Note: The workflow for custom weights in XactXpert is the same for both instances and profiles. 
  1. Select the Rules tab. 
  2. Select the Rule management button to open the Custom weights sidebar.


Target Score 

  1. Select the Use target score box. 
  2. In the Target score box, set a target score out of 100. 
Note: You may want a target score less than 100 if you have fewer resources than usual or encounter other issues that affect your company’s current capacity. The project’s total score is based on how many alerts (Violations, Warnings, and Cautions) an estimate has. A user can then assign weights to those alerts that will affect the total score of the project. Read our document on Alerts in Xactimate to learn more about different types of alerts and how they affect estimates. 

 Rule management 

Users can distribute rule weights based on the rule type. The total score of the estimate is then determined from the weights assigned to each rule and the distribution of weight. 

  1. In the Custom weighting card, you can set custom weights for: 
    1. Estimate rules. 
    2. Group rules. 
    3. Process rules. 
Note: The total of the three percentages must be 100. 
  1. Select Save to keep your changes. This closes the Rule management sidebar.  


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