Create and send XactRebuild estimates in Xactimate online

Updated by Jennifer B.

Users can create a rebuild estimate from a mitigation estimate by using the Rebuild estimate tool. Rebuild estimates include most of the information from their original estimates, including:

  • Claim information 
  • Sketches 
  • Coverage information 
  • Relevant line items 
  • Sketch will be retained 
  • Insured info Claim info 

The following information is not transferred from the original estimate to the rebuild estimate: 

  • Photos 
  • Manual pricing changes 
  • Internal notes 
  • Non-WTR items 

Rebuild estimate prerequisites 

Rebuild estimates are available to all users with Professional licenses. Additionally, the following requirements must be met:  

  • The original project must be a mitigation project. 
  • The user must be online.
  • The user must have a Professional license.
  • Two or more water (WTR) line items must be present in the original project. 
  • Your instance administrators or profile owners must set and grant rights for users to create and send rebuild estimates from Xactimate. 
Note: Rights are granted in Xactimate Admin. For more information on how to grant rights, review our article

Create a rebuild estimate 

To create a rebuild estimate in Xactimate online, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the original project on the Projects page. A blue bar appears on the right side of the window. 
  2. Select the Rebuild estimate icon.
  3. Select one of the options in the XactRebuild window that appears. 


Options in the XactRebuild window 

Create rebuild estimates 

The Create rebuild estimate option inside of the XactRebuild window lets you create rebuild estimates for your own estimate.         

  1. Select Create rebuild estimate
  2. Select Create
Note: You can find the rebuild estimate at the top of the project list. It has the same name as the original estimate but with an R appended to the end of it.  

Create and send rebuild estimates 

The Create and send rebuild estimate options allows you to create rebuild estimate and send them to other instances, as available in the Rebuild estimate destination dropdown menu. 

  1. Select Create and send rebuild estimate
  2. Select the destination instance from the Rebuilt estimate destination dropdown menu.  
  3. Select Confirm target destination
  4. Select Create and Send.

Select both options 

Select both Create rebuild estimate and Create and send rebuild estimates to let users create estimates for their own instances and send the estimates to other instances.   

  1. Select Create rebuild estimate
  2. Select Create and send rebuild estimate
  3. Choose the destination instance from the Rebuilt estimation destination dropdown menu. 
Note: You cannot select the Create and Send button without selecting a destination from the Rebuilt estimate destination dropdown menu. 
  1. Select Confirm target destination
  2. Select Create and Send

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