Tax on neither

Updated by Jill Bowers

When this feature is active, the Tax Type field is set to Neither. What normally appears in the Tax Type dropdown menu is determined by the project’s price list, but this feature overrides the price list setting. 

You can find the Tax Type field by following these steps. 

  1. Open an estimate. 
  2. Select Claim Info
  3. Select the Parameters tab. 
  4. Select Sales Tax inside of the Add Ons box. This opens the Estimate Sales Tax window. 
The Parameters tab highlighting the Sales Tax option in the Add Ons box
  1. Select Tax Type
Estimate Sales tax window

The option in the Tax Type dropdown menu should already be Neither as this feature sets it as the default. However, this feature does not prevent users from changing the tax type, so users can still select the Tax Type dropdown menu and select Tax on O&P or O&P on Tax

Estimate Sales Tax pop-up window highlighting Tax Type


If you'd like to enable this feature, follow the instructions in this article.

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