Add living room and stairs

Updated by Jennifer B.

For the Living Room and Stairs, we’ll use the Estimate Items interface.

  1. Click Estimate Items.
  2. In the Grouping sub-window, select Living Room.
  3. Right-click in the Item List zone.
  4. Under other options, select Recover Area.
  5. Select the Bedroom and click OK.
  6. The living room has two light fixtures. Select NETLUM, change the Calc field to 2, and then click OK.
  7. The living room only has two windows. Select NETLUM, change the Calc field to 4, and then click OK.
  8. Click Sketch.
  9. To add carpet, type RPTMOY in the Search box. Click Search.
  10. Select RPTMOY and then click inside the Living Room and Stairs.
  11. Press Esc to remove RPTMOY from your cursor.
  12. To add a waterfall stair carpet:
    1. Right-click the stairs and select Properties. Find the number of risers under Number of Risers in the Stairs section. Remember this number, as you’ll need it later on.
    2. Click Estimate Items and make sure Stairs is selected in the Grouping sub-window.
    3. In the Quick Entry sub-windows, enter RPT under Cat., MRCH under Sel., and the number of risers under Calc.
  13. To add a carpet underlay, click Sketch.
  14. Type RPTST in the Search box. Click Search.
  15. Select RPTST and then click inside the Living Room and Stairs.
  16. Type NETMOY in the Search box. Click Search.
  17. Select NETMOY and right-click the Stairs.
  18. To clean the walls but not the ceiling, click Calc and select M. Click OK and then click OK again.
  19. Click inside the Stairs.
  20. Type NETLUM in the Search box and then click Search.
  21. To add the lighting fixture cleaning item, select NETLUM and then click inside the Stairs.
  22. Type NETMC in the Search box and then click Search.
  23. To add the handrail cleaning item, select NETMC and then click inside the Stairs.

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