Give XactRebuild estimate rights in profiles

Updated by Jill Bowers

Note: This workflow is for Profiles. Learn more about how to set Rebuild estimate rights in Instances by following this link

Profile owners can activate rights for rebuild estimates inside Xactimate Admin so users can create and send rebuild estimates from Xactimate desktop (X1) and Xactimate online (XO). To activate rights, complete the following:  

  1. Log into Xactimate Admin. 
  2. Select your profile from the Profiles page. 
  3. Select the XactRebuild tab. 
  4. Activate any of the toggles shown below as needed. 
  1. Turn ON Rebuild Estimate button in Xactimate. Activating this enables users to create rebuild estimates in Xactimate from projects that use this profile.  The Rebuild estimate icon then appears when you select a project in the project list. Selecting the icon recreates the project as a rebuild estimate in the same instance. 
  2. Turn ON automatic Rebuild Estimate. Activating this automatically sends rebuild estimates to other instances after the original mitigation estimate is approved in XactAnalysis and settings are configured in XactNet. 
Note: To add XactRebuild to your profile, contact your Verisk account manager. 

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