Add item tags

You can append custom pieces of data to contents items using line item tags. These tags don't have any effect on the default functions in the estimate; they are used to provide additional item information such as a contact, a resource, or a date. All line items are automatically tagged with the date that the line item was entered.

Tags can be used to filter the items you are viewing or the items you want to include in a report.

To access the line item tags in the estimate, click Tags on the toolbar of the Inventory, Pricing, or Interview tabs.

Add an existing tag

  1. Click Tags .
  2. Click Add Tag.
  3. Click the list box. A predefined list appears.
  4. Select an available tag.
  5. In the adjacent box, enter the value associated with the tag.
  6. To add another tag, repeat steps 2-5.
  7. Click Close.

After a tag's value has been added to an estimate, that tag value is available for other line items and in other estimates.

Create a new tag

  1. Click Tags .
  2. Click Add Tag.
  3. Click the list box. A predefined list appears.
  4. Click SmartList. The Line Item Tags dialog box appears.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Enter the tag name.
  7. Select the tag type.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Line Item Tags dialog box, select the new tag and click OK.
  10. Enter a value associated with the tag.
  11. Click OK.

 After a tag has been added to an estimate, each new estimate has access to that tag.

Add a tag pick list

  1. Click Tags .
  2. Click Add Tag.
  3. Click the list box. A predefined list appears.
  4. Click SmartList. The dialog box appears.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Enter the tag name.
  7. Select the tag type.
  8. In the Tag Type, select Pick List.
  9. Enter the values separated by a comma.
  10. Click OK.
  11. In the Line Item Tags dialog box, select the new tag.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Choose a value from the list you just created.
  14. Click OK.

After a tag has been added to an estimate, each new estimate has access to that tag and the pick list values.

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