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Sketch quick reference | Configure security groups in Xactimate Admin | Access variables
The new Xactimate online
Estimate Items
Access variables
untitled article (enGB)
Sketch quick reference
Customise Sketch view settings
Add a spiral staircase
Add a room under the stairs
Xactimate mobile
Capture room measurements with SketchCam
Calibrate your device for SketchCam
Use a DISTO measuring device
Xactimate Admin
Component Discounts
Desktop Update Manager
Add and delete users in Xactimate Admin
Configure security groups in Xactimate Admin
Introducing the new Xactimate online! This industry-leading estimation software has been rebuilt from the ground up and is better than ever.
4 articles by 2 authors
Xactimate mobile works seamlessly with the desktop and online platforms to create the most flexible estimating solution ever.
3 articles by 1 author
Take control of your profiles and instances in Xactimate Admin.
7 articles by 1 author
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