XactXpert Reports
Once an estimate has been marked Complete, it is uploaded to XactAnalysis. In XactAnalysis, you can see information about XactXpert in the Xactimate estimate scorecard report and the Audit summary report.
XactXpert reports
If you have paid for and activated reporting for XactXpert, you will receive the Xactimate estimate scorecard report.

After an assignment has been inspected and marked Complete in Xactimate, the Scorecard report is created and available in XactAnalysis on the assignment’s page. The Scorecard report includes information on all profile or instance rule scores that affect your project.
The Scorecard report includes information on the total aggregate score, details about the process score, data for estimate analysis, and more.
Process scores
- Rule names
- Descriptions
- Relevant dates
Estimate analysis
- Rule name
- Rule description
- Message to user
- Bypass reason (if applicable)
- Relevant item fields