Support and training for Xactimate desktop

Updated by Heather Jones

Online helps: Search for or browse contents within this database to find help on common topics.

Training: Verisk offers a variety of training resources for novice and advanced users, ranging from face-to-face instruction to virtual classrooms and self-paced courses. Visit the Claims Estimate page for training webinars for more details.

Webcasts: Verisk webcasts are designed for the busy professional who doesn’t have an hour, a half hour, or even 20 minutes to spare. Each webcast is condensed, fast-paced, and focused on practical information. Question-and-answer sessions will follow most webcasts. Visit the Claims Estimate page webinars for schedules and registration.

YouTube videos: You can view our short training videos on a variety of Xactimate topics. Visit this training page to view the list of videos or subscribe to our training channel. 

eService Center: In the eService center, you can log in to access a database with over 1,700 documents, videos, product tips, and more.

eService Center chat: You can speak with a customer support specialist 24/7, 363 days a year via online chat for free. To access the chat, log into the eService Center and select the Chat with us button in the lower right corner of the page.

Phone support: Property Estimating Solutions (formerly Xactware) customer support specialists are available to take your phone calls to address any Xactware-related issues for a fee of $20 per case. Phone support is open from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mountain Time Monday - Friday (Closed Christmas Day and New Year's Day) at 1-800-710-9228. 

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