Naming and renaming rooms

Updated by Heather Jones

Single room

When you create a room in Sketch, Xactimate automatically gives it a name, such as Room1; however, you can change the name as soon as the room is placed. You have two options to do so for a single room:

  • Select the room, then select the room name. It changes to a text field, which you can modify.
  • Select the room, then right-click within the selected room. Choose Rename from the menu, and it changes the displayed name to a text field, which you can modify.

Multiple rooms

You can also rename an entire group of rooms at a time with the find and replace option.

  1. With a set of rooms selected, right-click to open a contextual menu.
  2. Select the Rename Selected Rooms option in the contextual menu.
  3. Enter the old text you want to change in the Find field.
  4. Enter the text you want it changed to in the Replace with field.
  5. Select REPLACE ALL.

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