Upload macros in XactContents

Updated by Jill Bowers

Add macros to XactContents 

A macro is a stored list of estimate items used in a project or estimate. Follow these steps to upload macros into XactContents:  

  1. Verify you’re on the Inventory tab in XactContents. 
  2. Right-click anywhere in the line-item list. 
  3. Select Retrieve Macro from the list to open the macro window.
Selecting Retrieve Macro from the right-click menu
  1. Select the Options dropdown menu.
Data transfer in the Macros window
  1. Select Data Transfer to open an upload window. 
  2. Select Browse in the Data Transfer window to open your file browser. 
  3. Select the desired folder and select OK. This returns you to the Data Transfer window. 
  4. Select Send
Note: If the files you selected already exist in XactContents, an error message appears asking if you’d like to overwrite the file or merge / rename the folder. Select the relevant option and click CONTINUE to upload the macro or SKIP to stop the upload. 
Macro Already Exists popup message

The macro you upload is automatically added to the macro list. 

Macro downloads for XactContents 

Below is a list of macros made by XactContents developers. Download each macro by selecting the corresponding hyperlink. 

Note: These are .mcx files and (unless you have certain software on your device) only opens in Xactimate. 

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