Xactware Forms

Updated by Jill Bowers

Xactimate Admin lets profile owners manage what forms are available to Xactimate users in their profile. You can also associate Xactware forms and create and edit custom forms.  

What are Xactware forms? 

Xactware forms exist across Xactimate, and simply need to be associated with your profile to appear there. You cannot edit Xactware forms; if you need to make changes, contact Xactware Professional Services. We will make a copy of the Xactware form for your profile. 

How do I view what Xactware forms are available? 

  1. In Xactimate Admin, go to Profile and then to the Forms tab. 
  2. Go to the Xactware Forms tab and click on Xactware Forms on the top right. You can view all Xactware forms here. 
  3. To add an Xactware form, select it from the list and check the box or boxes to associate the form. 

How do I create a new form for my profile? 

  1. In Xactimate Admin, go to Profile and then to the Forms tab. 
  2. On the top right, click Add custom form
  3. Provide a name and description of the Form. 

You may add different Groups (sections) of the form and use the Fields section to build the form. You may also preview the form as desired. As you create and edit your forms, your work will automatically be saved. 

When you’re ready, select Publish to make the form available to users in Xactimate desktop and mobile.  For support in Xactimate online, please reach out to the Professional services team for a compatible form. 

How do I edit an existing Profile or Xactware form? 

You can edit Profile forms by selecting a form from the list. This will take you to the editor where you can change the form. 

Xactware form edits must be handled by Xactware. When you need these forms edited, please reach out to your account manager or Xactware professional services. 

What is an unpublished form? 

An unpublished form is one that has been altered but not activated or published to the profile for use within Xactimate. 

How do I publish or activate a form? 

With the form open, click the Publish link on the bottom right of the screen. You will be given a validation dialog to confirm. 

What are Active forms? 

Active forms are forms that are currently in use. They have been built and published for use in Xactimate. 

What if I have an old iteration or version of an Xactware form? 

If you had previously added an older version of an Xactware form to your Profile forms list, you can remove the existing Associated form and add the latest version to your profile. 

Can I still use older Custom Forms created in Xactimate (pre-2021)? 

Yes, previous JSON forms can be both used and updated. 

Can old XML forms created in Xactimate be migrated? 

If you need to edit or delete old XML forms, please reach out to your Xactimate account manager. We will work with your account representative to get the XML form removed.

How do I tell if I have an XML or a JSON form? 

JSON forms in Xactimate Admin have descriptions, whereas XML forms do not have a description in the user interface. 

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