Access variables

Updated by Jennifer B.

Xactimate uses variables to represent different measurements. For example, W represents the square feet of walls in a room. WC represents the square feet of the walls and the ceiling.

When you use variables, you don’t need to enter actual quantities for a specific price list item. For example, for a drywall item, Xactimate calculates the amount of material needed to cover the walls and ceiling of a room when you enter the WC variable. If you resize a room in Sketch, Xactimate automatically adjusts the calculation for all the items entered in your estimate.

Here are some of the more common variables used in Xactimate:

  • C—Ceiling area
  • F—Floor area
  • W—wall area
  • WC—wall and ceiling area
  • SY—Square yards of floor
  • PF—Perimeter of floor
  • PC—Perimeter of ceiling
  • LL—Long wall length
  • SH—Short wall height
  • HH—Tall wall height
  • V—Volume
  • EA—Each
  • FLR_RMV—Area of flooring material removed.

View a structure’s variables in Sketch

  1. Click Sketch.
  2. Right click a structure and select Properties.
  3. Click Variables.

View a structure’s variables in Estimate Items

  1. Click Estimate Items.
  2. If prompted, select a price list and tax jurisdiction.
  3. On the Grouping pane, double-click a structure or room. You can also view variable totals for a group by double-clicking a folder.
  4. Click Variables.

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