Add or edit an opening statement or header in X1

Updated by Heather Jones

For your profile

Headers and statements that you add to the profile become available for use in any project within that profile.
  1. From the Project dashboard, navigate to Preferences > Project.

  1. Under Reports, select the list icon for the statement or header you want to use.
  • To view or edit an existing statement or header, select it in the list and select View. Make any necessary changes, then select Close.
  • To add a statement, select Add. Enter the Model Name and the statement, then select the X.

  • To add a header, select Add. Enter the Code, the Company Name, and any additional information you'd like to include, then add the header in the large field. You can also import an image by selecting the Image button and navigating to the appropriate image on your computer.

  • To delete an opening statement you created, select it in the list, then select Delete.

For an individual project

You can create a header or statement from within a project, but it will only be saved to that project and will not be available to other projects in the profile. If you are editing an existing one, those edits are saved to the profile.
  1. With the project open, navigate to Claim Info > Parameters > Report Text.
  2. Select the list icon for the header or the statement you want to use.
  3. Modify the statement or header as already described.

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